Hydrotherapy with “Lori” mineral water

Lori mineral water is carbonic chloride-sulfate-hydrocarbonate, calcium, magnesium sodium water with rich biologically valuable microelements. “Lori” mineral water is connected with Vanadzor “Armenia” Health Resort with underground pipeline where guests can enjoy drinking and taking different types of mineral bath. “Lori” mineral water is considered to be analogue of “Narzan 19” mineral water from Pyatigorsk with less consistence of chlorine and more magnesium ions.

Types of hydrotherapic procedures at Vanadzor “Armenia” Health Resort

Balneology is widely used in the treatment of patients with functional disorders of the nervous system. The following methods are generally used:

General baths

Baths are one of the most widely used hydrotherapeutic procedures and are widely used to treat nervous disorders. Application of bath methods with mineral water “Lori” reduces tension and increases body tonus.

Mineral Showers

Showers are classified as a hydrotherapeutic procedure which are also called shower chambers.  Following types of showers are applied at Vanadzor “Armenia” Health Resort: rain, needle, jet, Charcot douche.

4-chamber bath

This procedure is useful for the patients suffering from polynevitis, thoracic and lumbar radiculitis, and polyarthritis with upper and lower extremity pain, numbness, pimples, small joint deformities, and more.

Underwater shower-massage

The massage is performed with a water jet, using a special device to massage the body under appropriate pressure. The procedure is performed in a special bath with a capacity of 400-600 liters. Massage begins 5 minutes after the patient is in the water, and massage rules are strictly adhered to. Mostly the limbs are massaged, and the rest of the body is massaged gently, under one atmosphere pressure. Underwater showers-massage have been shown to have nerve symptoms of spinal cord injury (abdominal, thoracic radiculitis), which are at the chronic stage of the disease.

Contrast foot bath (Kneipp therapy)

For contrast foot baths, two adjacent baths are used, in which the patient should be able to move freely. The water temperature should be 37-42 ° C in one of the pools and 10-24 ° C in the other.