
Vanadzor is given the reputation of a balneological (climatic) resort town thanks to favorable landscape conditions: the existence of widespread mountain mass, the abundance of sun, sufficient oxygen in the air together with mineral water springs, and therapeutic peat.

The wealthy winemaker Tairov built a summer house in that beautiful place of Vanadzor and used to go there in the summer months during the reign of Tsarist Russia. After the establishment of Soviet rule in Armenia that building was nationalized. The 40-beds rest house was created in Vanadzor which was worked only in the June-September months.

In 1947 during the post-war period, the “Armenia” sanatorium was created based on a rest house which gradually began to prosper. New buildings were put into operation, new natural healing factors were introduced into the patients’ treatment complex, the sanatorium started operating all year round, and the sanatorium’s profiling was also expanded.

The development of “Armenia” as a sanatorium is divided into 3 periods:

The first period included 1946-1956 when the resort was considered climatic, where patients suffering from functional disorders of the nervous system (neurasthenia, hysteria) were mostly treated. The medical complex included climatotherapy, physiotherapy, hydrotherapy.

The second period included 1956-1985, the resort was named after the climatore. the medical complex included the medicinal peat brought from the nearby villages of Vanadzor. During this period, the instructions of patients sent to the sanatorium were already expanded, the patients suffering not only from functional disorders of the nervous system but also from functional disorders of musculoskeletal and peripheral nervous systems, chronic diseases of the female genital organs and etc began to be treated.

In 1986 the third stage of the development of the sanatorium had begun which was connected with the bringing of “Lori” mineral water to the sanatorium through pipes from its source, after which it became a climatological sanatorium, whose natural healing factors are climate, mineral water, healing peat.

The sanatorium in Armenia is unique with its rich complex of natural healing factors.