Treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system is one of the main profiles at Vanadzor “Armenia” health resort. The medical unit of the health resort is equipped with necessary devices for the improvement and prevention of the condition of people suffering from diseases of the spine and joints.

In order to increase effectiveness of treatments Vanadzor “Armenia” health resort has developed a targeted program/package for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the spine and joints. The program includes consultation of specialist doctor-therapists, a number of specialized therapeutic procedures (mainly using natural factors).

Recommended duration of the program: 10 or 14 days.

Treatment indicationss according to the program:

  • Different parts of the spine – osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis, osteoarthritis
  • Dorsopathies of any origin – diseases of the spine accompanied by a pronounced pain syndrome
  • Decreased mobility
  • Disorders of the spine position, curvature of the spine
  • Intervertebral hernia
  • Connective tissue diseases, which are accompanied by spinal disorders (Bechterew’s disease, etc.).

The program includes:

Treatment program Number of procedures in 10 days Number of procedures in 14 days
Examination and consultation by the doctor of the health resort 2 3
Intake of “Lori” mineral water by drinking every day every day
Mineral baths according to instructions:


4-chamber bath

Contrast baths

Or a dry carbonation bathtub

4 6
Circulating shower-massage 4 6
Device physiotherapy: electrophoresis, SMH (amplipulse), DDT (duodenamotherapy), ultrasound, UHF (ultra high frequency) therapy, laser therapy, magnetotherapy, darsonvalization 12 18
Therapeutic manual massage 2 3
Mud therapy (spinal zone 1) / application 4 6
Physical therapy, gym 4 6
Paraffin treatment / Galvanic therapy 4 6
Therapeutic swimming with mineral water (20 minutes) 4 6


Expected impact of the program:

  • Partial or complete disappearance of back, joint and muscle pain
  • Prevention of exacerbation of existing disease
  • Improving mobility and straightening the spine
  • Strengthening of the muscular frame


  • The program is mainly designed for persons aged from 18 to 65.
  • The program can be adjusted by the health resort doctor, taking into account the health condition of the Guest.
  • Rooms are available with either twin or one queen bed. An extra charge of 30% of the price of the package will be applied in case when the Guest stays alone in the room.